ALTERS: Found Object Sculptures by Susan N Stewart
ALTERS: Found Object Sculptures by Susan N Stewart
ALTERS: These small alters speak of nature and bodies and our love for the planet.
These exquisite sculptures are fantastic as a group in a large public space or individually in an intimate room. And they make lovely presents.
These Found Object Sculptures were created while Stewart was staff at the Vermont Studio Centre Artists' residence. As she walked, small objects she saw would take her breath away. As they collected in her studio, they took on the feeling of an alter. Taking the time to gaze at a small piece or back or stone felt very meditative.
She constructed small boxes from the left over wood in the carpentry shop, dipped old sheets into hydrocal and plaster to drape over the boxes creating the alters on which to put the beautiful pieces of nature.
10 for $3800 $400 each plus hst